Hi, my name is Aner Moss, welcome to my own personal web site. It's my first try so please excuse any misdoings I might have misdone.
I would very much appreciate it if you sent me an E-Mail about any of the above mentioned misdoings it would help me improve this site for everyone's browsing pleasure (if you could call this site a pleasure).
You can drop me a line anyway just for the fun I would love to hear comments and just generally chat. Unfortunately I only get around to downloading my mail once every week or so but I will try to be prompt with the replies. Keep in mind that these are NOT computer generated! I will actually take the time to write you back!
I tried to make this site slim and simple - it's what's written on the pages that is important to me, not the package. Nonetheless I have strayed here and there (fonts, graphics on the music page) but in general, that is the intention.
So lets cut to the chase, what's going on here? Basically there are four separate parts to this site (or at least that's how I originally planned it): Film, Music, Literature and what I like to call Thoughts, which is actually what I think about current issues in Israeli politics. Each of these parts presents my favorite creations in each of these subjects. This will probably start with other peoples creations and maybe someday (when someone buys me a digital camera, scanner and video encoding hardware) include more and more of my own creations (so if I haven't got to that point yet you're lucky).
One final note. I tried to make this site fun and interesting and I hope it is. If there is anything you would like to see that isn't here - write me!
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I now have a What's Nu Page on the site - you see, I do mean to actually, eventually, complete this site, and since I am infinitely optimistic, and believe you will come back (please?), might as well make it fun to return.
This will lead you to a place where you can learn a little more about this site and people who have helped it happen. Most of them never meant any harm, but one can't be perfect...
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This map of 100-Aker Wood, along with the fictional characters Winnie-the-Pooh, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo, and Christopher Robin, are based on the original works of A. A. Milne and Ernest H. Shepard. This map, the characters, and their names are registered trademarks of Dutton Children's Books. Dutton Children's Books in no way endorses this Web site, nor are they affiliated with this page in any way. The information on this page comes from Winnie-The-Pooh, Copyright 1926 by E. P. Dutton, Copyright renewal 1954 by A. A. Milne; and from The House At Pooh Corner, Copyright 1928 by E. P. Dutton, Copyright renewal 1956 by A. A. Milne. Those books are published in the United States by Dutton Children's Books, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014.
The author of this page does not use this page, nor does he intend to use this page (or the information contained herein), for personal or professional gain. The information is supplied as a public service to people around the world, for their enjoyment, and to allow them to perceive the spirit of friendship that Pooh brings out in each of us.
All of you people are kindly requested to warn friends and colleagues about this site.
Site officially, finally up (but still under construction) - Saturday, April 26, 1998
This page last modified on - Wednesday, February 24, 1999.