One does one's best...
Lots of different people and websites have contributed to my (somewhat flawed) ability to write HTML. These include but are not limited to:
- A wonderful site about the Internet, Web design, and all sorts of things like that. It is written by a man by the name of Jakob Nielsen, a very insightful person.
- The W3C webpage (these are the guys who standardize HTML, I guess it is worth while checking them out).
- and numerous other sites - some of which are linked to from here, which provided great ideas and implementations of HTML to make design more simple and creative.
- Oh! and tell those Cascading Stylesheets they should have got on the scene a little earlier (my next site should hopefully be much easier to build...)
Please, don't hold anything against these people - they had no active hand whatsoever in this document lying before you - wrath and fury may be dealt to me by clicking here forcefully
This site was made with
, an excellent HTML editor, and was somewhat validated with
Also participated:
- MS Notepad
- One Pentium PC
- several fingers, and
- a Rubber Duckie

Bring on the Night
This page last modified on - Wednesday, April 17, 2002.