The Stuff with Words Page

I call it that because you can't really call all the stuff here literature

(It Might Annoy Some People)

The main dealings of this page will be "real" books. But then, story-telling encompasses a wide range of disciplines - and the more popular one is probably comics.

Books and stories are wonderful in the power they carry to push our imagination to the farthest extremes, to teach us and change us using only letters and words.
Like in jazz music I have found my taste has become more diverse and that while I still like Science Fiction, and humorous books that use English to joke and make puns, I now prefer books that have a more personal touch, leaving a stronger influence on ones thoughts and feelings.

I also love writing. I'm not very good at it, but I really enjoy the creation. You can take a look a some of my stuff. I will probably put more stuff up here the more feedback I get about these (There you go - feel free to build or destroy my ego).

I didn't know where to put this link - it is a wonderful site about the Internet, Web design, and all sorts of things like that. It is written by a man by the name of Jakob Nielsen, and although I am not very familiar with his work - the few webpages of his I have read - are very insightful - pay it a visit

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This page last modified on - Friday, June 12, 1998.