"Serious" Literature

This page is dedicated to my favourite authors. These like most other things on this web site may change from time to time (but very slowly).
I love reading, not that I get to read half as much as I'd like to. My favour tends to lie lately with the modern American short story, and American writing in general. I wouldn't know to tell you why, maybe because I am currently reading mostly this type of material. I hope to write a book one day, at least one. In the meantime - I spend my time with short drafts and reading.

Paul Auster
Rolad Dahl
Toni Morrison
Raymond Carver
William Faulkner
Mark Twain

As I said - this is dynamically changing (mostly growing). So enjoy whats here and if I ever get the time to add to the list - great.

I also love poetry. I manage even less to read poetry and than mostly hebrew, but one of my favourtie pieces (Don't ask me why) is T.S.Eliot's, The Naming of Cats

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This page last modified on - Friday, June 12, 1998.